The new 3D Scholarly Edition authors that joined PURE3D project in September 2023, gathered for a three-day face to face event in Maastricht, from 11th-13th December 2023. This workshop aimed at enhancing their understanding of the platform’s functionalities and fostering collaboration in creating 3D digital scholarly editions. The event, held with the objective of guiding partners in crafting narratives within their editions and providing training on the Voyager software, proved to be insightful for all involved. On the first day, partners were introduced to one another, and each presented their projects, facilitating discussions and feedback from both PURE3D members and fellow partners. This exchange of ideas allowed participants to gain further insight into narrative building and provided opportunities for collaborative brainstorming. Following the presentations, partners underwent training in Voyager through a tutorial, equipping them with the necessary skills to navigate the software effectively. In the subsequent days, partners engaged in hands-on work on their editions using the PURE3D infrastructure.