Now Hiring: Two Research Developers

PURE3D: The Infrastructure for the Publication and Preservation of 3D Scholarship is hiring two full-time developers for two years. The two candidates, one for the development of the 3D interface and one for the development of the database/repository, will be based within a small team at Maastricht University (two Co-PIs and a PhD candidate) and will collaborate with a wider Netherlands-based consortium, including DANS, CLARIAH, the 4D Research Lab at UvA, and four other cultural institutions. The successful candidates will lead the development of the infrastructure for storing, viewing, and retrieving interactive 3D models; both single objects and virtual worlds. The project is research-oriented and experimental. The goal is to build a virtual research environment open to researchers in any discipline who want a permanent way to make publicly available their 3D scholarship in an annotated and contextualised environment.

The job ads can be found at:

Interface Developer

Database Developer

The closing date is the 26th of November.

If you need any further information you can get in touch with the project PI, Costas Papadopoulos: