Costas Papadopoulos delivered an invited talk at the Annual Day of the 3D-SSH consortium on the topic of ‘3D for the Social Sciences & Humanities’ presenting the preliminary steps in the development of the PURE3D infrastructure.

Despite the long tradition of 3D (re)construction in cultural heritage– be it computer graphic (re)construction or digitisation, and the development of several best practice charters and guidelines, 3D scholarship still lacks a framework that will allow its sustainable publication and preservation, and at the same time its (re)use as a research tool. Building on the concept of 3D Scholarly Editions currently being developed in the context of the PURE3D project, which develops a research infrastructure for 3D scholarship, this presentation discussed the theoretical and methodological premises that need to be considered when developing a framework for 3D, as well as the challenges that the creation of a 3D infrastructures can pose.